#Converting step to stl solidworks software#
Many other software packages support this file format. STL is a file format native to the stereolithography CAD software created by 3D Systems. LightWave 6.0 and newer versions use LWO2 format for saving LWO files. It can also store references to graphic files which are used for object textures. LightWave 3D (software used for 3D modeling, animation, and rendering) is a three-dimensional object file with points, polygons, and surfaces that describe the object's shape and appearance. The list below shows all the formats that import OK & allow for feature selection & use in assemblies & such. I just saved off one of my work SolidWorks parts into every format it that SolidWorks would allow, & then I imported each file back into SolidWorks. Other formats that SolidWorks uses are listed below. IGS (which 3DWin is supposed to be able to do, though I have yet to succeed), or other formats. Indeed, that part exhibits the same behavior: no error, but the imported model is essentially unusable to me. STL format & importing it back into SolidWorks. I further experimented by exporting one of my SolidWorks work parts into. That is, I cannot select faces & lines & vertecies to mate parts together into an assembly. When I click "OK", the file does load & looks somewhat normal, but there is no selectable geometry that I can use for making mates & such. I get the following error with both: "A facet normal problem was found with one of the facets in the file. STL file, & opened them in SolidWorks 2009. With LDView, I pened up parts 3001.dat & 3003.dat, & saved each as an. Are there perhaps options in either of those 2 steps that need setting Philippe: Thanks. STL, & then import the file in SolidWorks. I was simply following the process described above: use 3DWin to import a. I'm afraid that you've lost me with your level of detail there. All of these open fine in MLCad, so I know that the source. (I get these results with files 3001.dat & 3002.ĭuring my troubleshooting, I have tried parts 1.dat, 3001.dat, & 3002.dat. I click "OK" & the box disappears & SolidWorks gives up on opening the file. File was truncated or contains invalid data. (I get these results with file 1.dat).ī) "Unable to read IGS file.
Do you wish to import them anyway? Yes/No" After I select "Yes", the file opens with a sort of a skeleton of imported curves, but no solid geometry, & the part looks incomplete.
#Converting step to stl solidworks free#
IGS file with SolidWorks, I get one of the following errors:Ī) "This file contains free curves/points which are not desired according to the import options.
STL file generated from 1.dat, I get some thin geometry, but no solids, & it's incomplete.Ģ - IGS. STL file with SolidWorks, the file opens & is empty-there is no geometry. PS-Here's a little more detail on some of the trials & tribulations, if some of you are familiar with the nitty gritty of this process.ġ - STL. dat files just fine.ĭoes anybody have experience with this conversion? Or, is there already a library of parts models that can be imported into SolidWorks? When I perform these file conversions, however, the files either won't load into SolidWorks, load but with errors/warnings & come up empty, or import and have just a few curves but no solids and the curves don't even look like the completely correct part. stl, both of which can be read by SolidWorks. I downloaded, purchased, & registered 3DWin from TB Software.ģDWin can convert. I downloaded LDraw & the entire part library. I'm a die-hard SolidWorks user & wish to import LDraw.